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Engaging conservation : collaboration across disciplines / Owczarek, Nina, editorGleeson, Molly, editorGrant, Lynn A., editor

by Owczarek, Nina.
Type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: Philadelphia :Archetype Publications ,2017 Edition: Philadelphia, Pa. : University of Pennsy.Description: xiii, 291 pages :illustrations (chiefly color), maps ;30cm.ISBN: 9781909492554.Subject(s): Conservación arqueoloxía
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Prestable ES de Conservación E Restauración de Bens Culturais de Galicia
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1.17 OWC eng 1 Available PEU001000003264

This publication commemorates the 50th anniversary of the conservation laboratory of the University of Pennsylvania Museum which is now part of the new Center for the Analysis of Archaeological Materials. These papers were presented at an international symposium to celebrate the collaboration of conservators with allied professionals

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