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Adhesives and consolidants in painting conservation / edited by Angelina Barros D'Sa, Lizzie Bone, Rhiannon Clarricoates... [et al.].

by Institute of conservation (Londres).
Type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: London : Archetype Publications, in association with the ICON Paintings Group, cop. 2012 Description: 1 vol. (IX-99 p.) : ill. en noir et en coul., couv. ill. en coul. ; 25 cm.ISBN: 9781904982883 (br); 1904982883 (br).Subject(s): Peinture -- Conservation et restauration | Adhésifs | Painting -- Conservation and restoration -- Congresses | Adhesives -- Congresses | Pintura -- Conservación restauración
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Prestable ES de Conservación E Restauración de Bens Culturais de Galicia
Sala préstamo
1.11 BAR adh Available PEU001000005118

Les contributions issues de la conférence tenue à Londres, National Portrait Gallery, en mai 2011 organisée par ICON Paintings Group.

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