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International perspectives on textile conservation : papers from the ICOM-CC Textiles Working Group meetings, Amsterdam, 13-14 October 1994 and Budapest, 11-15 September 1995 / edited by Agnes Timar-Balazsy and Dinah Eastop   Publication: London :Archetype 1998 Physical description: 169 p. :il. ;30cm Availability: Items available for loan: ES de Conservación E Restauración de Bens Culturais de Galicia (1),

Paper and textiles : the common ground : preprints of the conference held at the Burrell Collection, Glasgow, 19-20 September 1991 / compiled by Fiona Butterfield and Linda Eaton   Publication: [Glasgow?] :The Scottish Society for Conservation & Restoration 1991 Physical description: 136 p. :il. ;30cm Availability: Items available for loan: ES de Conservación E Restauración de Bens Culturais de Galicia (1),

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