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Leather wet and dry : current treatments in the conservation of waterlogged and desiccated archaeological leather / edited by Barbara Wills ; The Archaeological Leather Group   Publication: London : :Archetype, 2001 Physical description: xv, 77 p. :il. b. y n Availability: Items available for loan: ES de Conservación E Restauración de Bens Culturais de Galicia (1),

Conservation of waterlogged wood and wet leather / by Bruno Mühlethaler ; with the collaboration of Lars Barkman, Detlef Noack by Mühlethaler Publication: Paris :Eyrolles [etc.] 1973 Physical description: 71 p. ; 25 cm Availability: Items available for loan: ES de Conservación E Restauración de Bens Culturais de Galicia (1), Items available for reference: ES de Conservación E Restauración de Bens Culturais de Galicia (1),

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