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All manner of murals : the history, techniques and conservation of secular wall paintings: proceedings of the Secular Wall Paintings Symposia organised by the Icon Stone and Wall Paintings Group and supported by English Heritage, Lindon 2004-5   Publication: London :Archetype 2007 Physical description: XX, 218 p. :il. ;30cm Availability: Items available for loan: ES de Conservación E Restauración de Bens Culturais de Galicia (1),

Las técnicas artísticas. Barroco : Barroco / Diana Angoso... [et al.]   Publication: Madrid :Fundaciâon Colección Thyssen-Bornmisza 2005 Physical description: 72 p. :il. ;24cm Availability: Items available for loan: ES de Conservación E Restauración de Bens Culturais de Galicia (1),

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