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Sculpture : From Antiquity to the Middle Ages : from the eighth century to the fifteenth century / edited by Georges Duby and Jean-Luc Daval   Publication: Köln :Taschen 1999 Physical description: 544 p. :il. ;34cm Availability: Items available for loan: ES de Conservación E Restauración de Bens Culturais de Galicia (1),

Sculpture : from antiquity to the present day : from the eighth century BC to the twentienth century / edited by Georges Duby and Jean-Luc Daval   Publication: Köln :Taschen 2002 Physical description: 1151 p. :il. b. y n., col. ;28cm Availability: Items available for loan: ES de Conservación E Restauración de Bens Culturais de Galicia (1), ES de Conservación E Restauración de Bens Culturais de Galicia (1), ES de Conservación E Restauración de Bens Culturais de Galicia (1), ES de Conservación E Restauración de Bens Culturais de Galicia (1),

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