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Science and Technology for the conservation of Cultural Heritage : proceedings of the International Congress on Science and Technology for the conservation of Cultural Heritage, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, 2-5 October 2012 / editors M. A. Rogerio-Candelera, M. Lazzari, E. Cano   Publication: Leiden :CRC Press/Balkema 2013 Physical description: XIII, 433 p. :il. ;25cm Availability: Items available for loan: ES de Conservación E Restauración de Bens Culturais de Galicia (1),

Research advances for the conservation of cultural heritage : book of abstracts / International Congress on Science and Technology for the Conservation of Cultural Heritage, Santiago de Compostela 2-5 October 2012 ; edited by Massimo Lazzari, Sophie Rochette   Publication: Santiago de Compostela :Universidade de Santiago de Compostela 2012 Physical description: 163, VII p. :il., grâaf. ;27cm Availability: Items available for loan: ES de Conservación E Restauración de Bens Culturais de Galicia (1),

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